Taking Baby Everywhere
She seems more worried about showing off her assets than her baby
You Look Hella Bad Girl
This girl can actually go to jail for posting this pic, its child endangerment any way you look at it. Being born to this nimrod at all should be considered child abuse.
Support the Head
Clue #1 that you shouldn't be a mother: You hold your iPhone with more care than your newborn. Depressing.
Negligent But Glamorous
So my baby could easily roll off the counter and injure himself? It's not every day I get to take a selfie in lighting this favorable!
Mom of the Year
Often times kids grow up to marry a woman who subconsciously reminds them of their mother. Looks like this kid might be involved with some hos when he grows up, as sad as that is to say.
This Kid Has No Clue Whats Happnening
This little kid is looking up at his momma like she is crazy, and she clearly is. Anyone who is comfortable taking a selfie with someone else staring right at them has a few screws loose.
Brush Your Teeth, Momma's Gonna Selfie
There's nothing like snapping a quick selfie so that potential step-dads know you aren't going to let your kid get in the way of sexy time.
Teach Em Young
This kid is learning how babies are ma even before the sixth grade sex-ed talk. Seriously we were not aware that mothers could get this oblivious and unqualified.
Evidence of the Crime
This mother is about to let her kid drown in the bath tub so she can get one last snapshot off. Scenes like this help us understand why America's education ranking is dropping like a rock in water.
10 My Mom is a Stripper
Your mom has a bed and a nice husband in her bedroom? Big deal, mine has a stripper pole! Win!
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